Mission & Disclosure

This blog is my own personal space.  It is intended as a place to capture some of the more amusing (or mundane) moments of life, to share my thoughts, and to expound upon lessons I’ve learned while balancing the ever changing buffet life serves me.  It occasionally includes information relating to my job at ConAgra Foods on the public relations and social media team.  As a marketer, I understand the importance of ethical disclosure and transparency and commit to you that the opinions expressed here are mine and do not represent those of my employer.  I am proud to be a member of the ConAgra Foods team, and will occasionally mention how the food we make impacts my day to day life, how proud I am of the work our teams do, and might even suggest you consider one of ConAgra’s many brands for your family.  I do so only because I value those brands in my life, and hope you’ll find the same value in them.  If at any time you feel I have compromised that mission, please let me know.

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